Daufødt Unleashes Raw Energy with New Album Glitter! Daufødt
Reviewed by Sam Lowry

Daufødt’s upcoming album Glitter delivers an intense mix of noise rock and raw energy, capturing life’s harsh realities with an unpredictable sound.

Norwegian noise rock band Daufødt is gearing up to release their third studio album, Glitter, on September 20th via Fysisk Format. Unlike what its title suggests, Glitter isn't about flashy glamour. Instead, it focuses on the kind of glitter that leaves a mark, sticking with you long after the music fades.

Ahead of the album's release, the band has shared their new single "Toxic." The track opens with a steady, driving beat and bass line, but by the end, it transforms into an intense d-beat hardcore explosion. This dramatic shift captures the unpredictable energy that Daufødt has become known for in the noise rock scene.

Vocalist Annika Linn Verdal Homme shares that "'Toxic' is about being around narcissistic people who think they can get away with anything." Unlike the famous Britney Spears song with the same title, Daufødt’s "Toxic" is anything but romantic—it focuses on the harsh reality of these behaviors.

The album's first single, "Jeg Vil Bare Hjem," is described as a straightforward rock song with powerful, no-nonsense energy. It’s already gaining traction and can be streamed now.

Glitter is a raw take on 2024, balancing the dark and absurd aspects of life. As the band describes it, "Glitter is the sound of being hit by a brick, but in a way that makes you excited for the next hit." The album covers a range of sounds, from catchy rock tunes to fast, minute-long punk tracks and extended noise rock jams. After their collaboration with noise artist Lasse Marhaug on Aromaterapi, Daufødt returns with a punchier, more direct approach.

The band—featuring Annika Linn Verdal Homme, Eskild Myrvoll, Eirik Albrethsen Reithaug, and Mads Antonsen Gerzić—has already made waves with their debut album 1000 Island and their second release Aromaterapi. Glitter promises to continue pushing boundaries, delivering an unpredictable, yet familiar, sonic experience.

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