Lilies On Mars & Stefano Guzzetti Revive New Order’s “Ceremony” with Shoegaze Flair (Exclusive Premiere) Lilies On Mars & Stefano Guzzetti
Label: Mint 400 Records
Reviewed by Sam Lowry

Lilies On Mars and Stefano Guzzetti have reimagined New Order’s classic track “Ceremony” with a dreamy shoegaze twist for Mint 400 Records’ 1980s tribute compilation Neon & Hairspray.

Lilies On Mars & Stefano Guzzetti, the European shoegaze band, are back with their take on New Order's iconic track, "Ceremony," as part of Mint 400 Records’ new compilation Mint 400 Records Present Neon & Hairspray. This album celebrates 1980s music with various artists covering hits from that era, and Lilies On Mars' contribution is premiering today.

Hailing from Sardinia, Italy, Lisa Masia and Marina Cristofalo bring a unique sound to their music, shaped by the contrast of their Mediterranean roots and their adopted home of London. The band was formed after the two spent many late nights experimenting with a mix of instruments at their home studio in Hackney. Their style is known for blending dreamy guitars with synthesizers, drum machines, and a wide range of vintage sounds. This diverse background shines through in their cover of "Ceremony." They joined forces recently with Stefano Guzzetti who is a composer and music producer known for scoring films and creating soundtracks for high-profile brands like Dolce & Gabbana. His work has gained over 32 million streams, and he has toured internationally, with compositions released by labels like Deutsche Grammophon and K7!

The original version of "Ceremony" holds a special place in music history. Written by Joy Division before being released by New Order, the song represents a significant moment for the band and for the evolution of post-punk and electronic music. Lilies On Mars & Stefano Guzzetti felt drawn to the track because of its timeless appeal and its impact on the music world. According to the band, “Ceremony” marked a key transition for New Order, merging traditional band sounds with electronic elements that were still fresh at the time.

Reflecting on 1980s music, Lisa, Marina and Stefano admire the craftsmanship that came from working in studios without the convenience of modern technology. They believe the era fostered a special kind of creativity, where artists had to perfect their work before hitting the studio. Covering a song like “Ceremony” allows the band to honor that era while adding their own shoegaze spin.

Lilies On Mars & Stefano Guzzetti see covering songs as a tribute to the music that has inspired them, breathing new life into tracks that shaped their musical journey.

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